2025 CBS Family Enterprise Conference: Nepotism & Nurturing

Is nepotism a shortcut to failure, or can it be a bridge to lasting success?

This year’s conference invites you to explore this provocative question through a new lens, breaking down stereotypes and revealing the nuances behind family hiring practices.

Learn more about the agenda and speakers →

Public Event Registration
Are you a CBS alum? If so, enter you CBS Degree Year below. If you are not a CBS alum, please select "Non-Alumni."
CBS Alums: Enter your CBS Degree Program here. For other Columbia degrees, use the other degree / school / year box below.
Use this for other Columbia University degree programs.
Is your Current Employer your family's business?
Please confirm the name of your family business, whether or not it is your current employer.
What is your relationship to family enterprise? Select all that apply.
If you belong to a family business, counting the founder as G1, what generation are you? (If you are not sure, between generations, or a member of multiple enterprising families, please check all that apply.)
Please begin typing your industry below and select the best match. You can add more than one. If your industry does not show up, please select "Other."
Event Fee(s)
We welcome advisors to participate in the Family Enterprise Conference but have a limited number of seats available, allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Advisors are defined as wealth planners, family enterprise consultants, business consultants, or individuals providing other services to family enterprises who are not part of a business-owning family and/or do not work in a family enterprise as a non-family executive. To ensure the event remains focused on family enterprises, only 1 advisor per organization may attend. Advisors purchasing a table or half table must bring a family enterprise attendee group as part of their reservation. We enforce a strict non-solicitation policy to create an inclusive and productive experience for all participants.
Once the advisor seat limit has been reached, please email familyenterprise@gsb.columbia.edu to be added to the waiting list.
Billing Name and Address
Family Enterprise Conference
This year's conference will have breakout sessions happening concurrently during the afternoon. To help us understand our audience, please let us know which focused session you would be interested in attending.
Will you attend the concluding reception?