Family Enterprise InsightsThe Global Family Enterprise Program is dedicated to expanding and disseminating knowledge about family enterprise—the heart of the world's economy and society—to our worldwide community. This Family Enterprise Insights shares research findings from CBS Professor Geoffrey Heal on the economic aspects of the energy transition. This topic is being covered in our Global Immersion: Nordic Family Enterprise class this semester. Outside the classroom, the practicalities and realities of transitioning energy sources, production, and consumption are relevant for all of us. Whether you have a family enterprise making the transition, or if your family is switching out energy inefficient lightbulbs, this paper will help you understand the larger economic context. We’re delighted to share insightful research, wisdom, and advice from leading global scholars, family enterprise principals, and expert practitioners with our global community because we know it’s important to you and to society. Visit our site for more, and keep checking as we continue to add more insights. |